Monday Inspiration #1 – Positivity

Thank God it’s Monday!

~Said No One Ever

Mondays are tough for most of us. So I decided to make a post on this blog every Monday from now on, featuring antything that inspires me, in any subject. I hope I can make your day at least 1% better by doing this. 🙂

It is hard to get out of bed on mondays in order to return to work after a delightfull weekend. But who says you are going to have a bad day? Good things may happen! Today’s Monday Inspiration will be about Positivity. I want to help you feel happy today and to see the bright side in everything you can.

  1. Wake up and smile. This one is easy, right?smile gif
  2. Admire the view through your window. Isn’t it a beautiful day?window gif
  3. Enjoy what you are doing. In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun, and – SNAP – the job’s a game!” Do you recognize this quote by Mary Poppins?jobdone
  4. Get to know the people around you. People are all different and all have amazing stories and adventures to talk about. Get to know someone. You may be surprised by everything you can learn with that person.lady gif
  5. Do a self-upgrade. Try to improve yourself and learn new skills every day.ballerinas gif
  6. Exercise. Exercising is the best antidepressant. You will feel balanced and in harmony with your body.giphy
  7. Be grateful. Enjoy all the precious little good things that come in your way. Say “thank you” more often.thank you gif

See you tomorrow!

2 thoughts on “Monday Inspiration #1 – Positivity

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